Sunday, April 16, 2023

Quick Introduction


After almost two (2) decades since the Whuddles were created, I decided to do this blog for two very specific purposes: 

To remember, with great fondness, the concept of the Whuddles and WhuddleWorld


To put some closure on what has been a 20-year sense of failure/unfinished business to the story of the Whuddles and on my part.


 As for who technically owns and the names Whuddles, Whuddletars and WhuddleWorld these days - those trademarks and business relationships expired/lapsed long ago.  But they remain forever planted in my head and heart.  I may get into some of those technicalities as I tell the backstory of WhuddleWorld later on - though those details evoke bad feelings for me and are part of the very thing I hope to clear out when all is said and done.

What I CAN tell you is this - the story and the concept of the Whuddles were created by yours truly and the person who was able to understand and pluck that concept out of my head and give it color and a graphical life of its own was Katie B.  Then there were three (3) magicians (coders) who took all that stuff (prose and artwork) and created an interactive wonderland of a website called WhuddleWorld - Michael M., Jim M. and Will C.

I'll leave it there for now.  In the meantime, for those of you who knew the Whuddles and WhuddleWorld, please grab a cushion and a cuppa and get comfy as I kindle what I hope will be fond memories.  There's a lot more story here than you might think and remember, I'm still working on writing a happy ending for those Whuddles - they deserve it don't ya think? ::wink::  And for those of you who are just hearing about the Whuddles for the 1st time, please grab a cushion as well - there might be something interesting here for you too!



  1. well, technically, Will was Will C, not Will S...

    1. Heh, not sure where I got Will S. from - and have corrected the post. Thanks for catching that!

  2. Every now and then I google Whuddleworld to see if there's anything new, I'm so glad I did this time and found your blog. I loved Whuddleworld so much, it felt like such a warm and special place when I was a teenager. Thank you so much for creating that space! I'm sorry it has created memories that don't feel that great. I'll be checking in on this blog.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and for visiting! It's nice to see people who remember Whuddle World and are interested!
